The ability to change your mindset is not easy to acquire. Because of our deeply engrained thinking patterns, it takes an intentional, sustained, well-executed plan, but when done effectively, it will shock you how different your results and especially your quality of life can be. In fact, the ability to change their mindset is something every successful person will testify is the key to them getting where they are today. Here are some important ways that our mindsets need to change in order to have the best results and experience the fullness of life we all desire.


Our emotions are like children in a car. They should not be driving the car but should not be kept in the trunk. Successful people don’t stuff their emotions nor allow negative circumstances to throw them into a state of mind that destroys their ability to respond and find creative solutions. They realize that the problem is not the problem. The problem is how we think about the problem and the state we enter because of our current beliefs. Our beliefs create our world; the good news is that there is a way to shape our beliefs. We can get in tune with our emotions and build beliefs that put us in the optimal state for joy, peace, and powerful poise under pressure. In this way, we lead our families and coworkers (and even competitors) to a higher level of life.

emotional shutdown


The pictures in your mind determine the direction of your life. These pictures come directly from everything you think, say, hear, and experience. You may not even notice the negative thought patterns in your life that are leading to decreased happiness and increased anxiety. You can virtually reform your mind and reframe your perception to improve your mindset vastly. Once you learn to recognize the patterns and are trained to reprogram your mind with new patterns, you will naturally move towards greater happiness, decreased anxiety, and improved physical health – all of which can help you on the journey to a positive outlook, which studies show leads to success.


People with limiting beliefs are stuck (or believe they are) in a hopeless place that cannot be changed. With a growth mindset, you believe that change is possible. I train my clients to embrace unlimited possibilities. You do not have to “believe in yourself” as so many songs and saying go. You will be tough truths, and when you see the reality, you will believe in the program and the process, which leads to a growth mindset. Everything changes when we remove limiting beliefs (lies we have bought into). Your ability to perform and surprise yourself goes through the roof when you can see from a new, higher perspective. You’ll know that you can develop new skills, improve your relationships and grow as a person. You look at challenges as exciting opportunities for growth, not obstacles.



I know you may not feel like you are in an entitled mindset, but the truth is that if we are unhappy or frustrated, it is because our expectations have not been met and we are not seeing all we have to be grateful for. Being grateful is not about being a good person; it is seeing life through the lens of what is true. Just when you are so fed up and stressed and about to give up, someone else is looking at the exact same situation and thinking, “Man, what an opportunity”. So much frustration and disappointment in life can be avoided if we trade our expectations for Gratitude. When you train your mind and heart toward gratitude, you won’t believe how much better you get at life. My athletes have routines before games that begin with gratitude- it is an elite performance state we all need to learn to train our hearts in.


To change your life through mindset change - we must stop trying to overhaul our entire lives in a week or a month. We all want the quick fix, the magic pill, but the mind is a complex machine that does not get how it is overnight. Massive shifts occur with micro (atomic) changes in how we think and feel. John Wooden made some of the best basketball players in the world do 1000 tiny layups, over and over. It was not because they could not make that shot, but rather to teach a lesson that the small things matter most. Championships are won through constant excellence in detail. With coaching, you can make small but powerful changes in your thinking that end up at a tipping point. Your mindset soon gets to the point of genuine and lasting SHIFT-then it’s a whole new ballgame. Shift in our mindset happens in small increments. Stop trying to revamp your entire life and find a proven step-by-step program that will truly bring about change.



I am “A Different Life Coach” who uses a different approach to give you a different life. Coaches push us to reach the next level by first addressing what we struggled with in our professional and personal lives and challenging us to change our mindset.

Start with these five steps to change your mindset and achieve similar results.



The first step to changing your mindset is facing your fears. The problem is that if we could simply “overcome” our fears, we would already be where we want to be. This is why I say “face” your fears. This means to say to ourselves, “Face it- you cannot overcome your fears alone.” When you face something, look right at it and get honest with yourself. Fears come from our beliefs; although we can change those beliefs, it often takes some help and guidance. For most of my clients, taking the first step made the difference. Realizing that even tiger woods has a swing coach, it is clear that we all need an outside perspective to improve and be our best selves. Unfortunately, for many who do not take action, it was the very fear and limiting belief that a coach could help them with that prevented them from scheduling the initial session. Facing your fears means taking action even though you have doubts- soon; you will be overcoming your fears and on your way to a new place.



Everyone has limiting beliefs that prevent them from realizing their dreams. Those who are able to remove and replace them go on to enjoy great success. Those who don’t realize they are in these patterns continue to live life at the status quo, and not much changes. Sadly, life passes by.

Limiting beliefs are the stories we tell ourselves about who we really are: I lack talent, others deserve success, life is unfair, I’ll always be this way, and I am unworthy of love or success. They are lies and can be replaced with true powerful, resourceful beliefs. As an NLP coach, I help people break away from the familiar, limiting beliefs and see possibilities and principles anyone can enter (if they choose).

By opening our minds and hearts to genuine truths and truly letting go of past trauma and the patterns of thinking that stem from them, we are able to operate with a whole new persona with energy that attracts the people and the resources needed to move ahead. The person you always knew was inside can come through, and you can enjoy the fullness of life you had dreamed might be possible. Soon, and what’s even better, you will be leading others to see these truths and the beauty they were meant for, and they can also live their best lives. Amazing awaits, and Joy loves company.



Imagine the thing you are most afraid of or that causes stress in your life. Now imagine you are invited to climb into a helicopter and rise above the situation with headphones on, and a clear voice is speaking to you, describing the scene without emotion or bias. This is wisdom. Wisdom is expanding your vision and seeing from a higher perspective. That clear voice is often a coach or mentor who can help you see that a billion people in China don’t even know what a big deal this is to you. Is it a big deal? What if this is like a game of Monopoly, and all you need to do is think, remember who you are and what you stand for, and exercise some patience and wisdom?

One of my best clients said, “Ricky, my performance is so much better now because I see my games as an opportunity to inspire and impact others rather than wondering what people will think of me. I know that if I read with my heart, that alone will draw people to me and inspire my performance. By setting my mind on higher things, I am able to see possibilities ahead and be creative in exclusive moments. I learned that my technical training was secondary to my mental training. And it helps me even more off the field.”



In mental skills coaching, one of the first areas we tackle is learning the importance of Visualization, affirmations, and self-talk. Many people think they know about these things, and they may, but it’s often the same way that many of us know about how to work out. We could teach a class on it but still don’t hit the gym much and so never see the results. When you have negative self-talk, it often goes unnoticed and reinforces negative patterns every day, which directs and impacts your future far more than you realize.

Very early on in coaching, we learn how to notice our thoughts and all the things flowing into our minds daily, hourly, and moment-to-moment. Once the client's eyes are opened to how the brain works with these words and what it does- they change quickly because once you see how crucial this is - you will no longer want it running your life. Because this is so closely attached to who we are, having someone there to continue to remind you and keep you accountable is paramount. Do you find yourself thinking negative thoughts? From the moment you begin your day, you must police what goes into your mind, guarding the words in your head. In this world that is built on distraction and doing our thinking for us, we must be vigilant if our mindset is to change. If you plant positive language in your head at the beginning of the day, you’ll have better energy. This, along with sustained and well-thought-out affirmations, can change your life.



Every great hero in every great movie who overcame enemies or huge obstacles found a guide who helped them see who they really were and how they could win the day. We all have incredible potential in us, and we even sense it at times. “Why can’t I break loose and be all I know I am capable of?” There are invisible things in this world that are designed to keep you from that potential, and their entire mission is to keep you from yours. Do you feel there is a path to more passion, joy, and fulfillment in your life, but you don’t know how to get there? Working with the right coach is like finding your own personal Yoda. This is the fastest and most effective way to change your mindset. You will transform your life by partnering up with a guide who has already walked the steps to success with countless others just like you. Having someone in your corner who knows the best strategies to execute to get you to the victory circle is priceless. You will be the hero of your story; having a guide makes it possible and fast-tracks the process.

What is possible for you? Imagine six months to a year from now (or just a couple of sessions from now) having a completely new you. Imagine overcoming habits and obstacles that have been holding you back for years and people in your life noticing the difference. Imagine discovering the champion within, establishing yourself as the leader in your field, and having amazing experiences and relationships.



I want to see a transformation in my thinking, habits, and results.



I know I have it in me to
be great



I want to understand myself and my relationships better


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